Baby Shower Favor Ideas
Baby Shower Favor Ideas
* Small potted plants make lovely favors.
If you have plants of your own a good value alternative to purchasing them, is to take cuttings and plant in small pots; tie a ribbon around the pots in a color that coordinates with the baby shower colors or theme.
Or cut felt into triangles; put these around the little pots then fold up the bottom corner, then the other two corners to make a diaper. Secure with a diaper pin. The felt could be white or this too could coordinate with the baby shower colors.
* Candy, Jordan almonds or Hershey kisses, in tulle, favor boxes, or cellophane bags tied with a bow, and personalized with a little baby related charm, wrapped candy bars and chocolate lollipops are always popular choices.
* Homemade cookies are a nice idea, there are lots of cookie cutter shapes to choose from, a teddy, ducky or bunny would be cute; small currants could be used for the eyes. Or cut the biscuits into rounds and decorate with icing to resemble a baby’s ball.
* Small soaps are available in lots of sweet shapes. Try to find a shape that is appropriate for a baby shower. A soap could then be presented in a cellophane bag and tied with ribbon or raffia.
