Bubbly Ducky Baby Shower
About This Part Theme:
In the Bubbly Ducky Brunch baby shower, our favorite little bath time buddy takes center stage in an adorable yet modern setting brought to life with “floating” glass and Styrofoam bubbles, tabletop “bubble bath” centerpieces, fluffy towels, pint-sized terry-cloth robes, bright splashes of aqua and sunny yellow, and of course lots of our little rubber friends!
Get the Party Started:
For the place settings:
In the images shown here, we used white ceramic dinner plates, ceramic yellow salad plates and solid white napkins. The white plates were purchased at IKEA for $3.50/each (great staple for your party pantry!) and the yellow plates on eBay for $1/each - but if you want to keep the cost down even more you can easily substitute the regular dishes for solid paper partware from your local party supply store or an online vendor such as Plum Party. Place your settings on aqua placemats or an aqua tablecloth for a bright splash of color!
For a special “bubbly” touch, we hot-glued aqua gems (found at craft andfloral supply stores) to the edges of the plates. Hot glue is easy to remove later and won’t damage your ceramic plates! The transparent bubble flatware pictured here was also purchase at IKEA.
For the centerpieces:
These “Mod Fishbowl Bubblebath” centerpieces are so fun and easy! We created a row of 3 for this tabletop, but feel free to use as few or many as you like, depending on your table structure. Here’s how to make them: 1. Start with a clear glass fishbowl (we purchased the medium sized fishbowls pictured here at Michael’s for about $5/each).
2. Fill the bowl about 1/2 way with various sizes of white styrofoam balls and floating glass “bubbles” - which are available at various floral, candle, and craft stores, as well as online. (see Resources below)
3. Next, “swim” a rubber ducky amidst the bubbles,and you’re all set! To add height to your centerpieces, (as shown in the images here), just flip a clear glass or acrylic dish upside-down and use it as a pedastal base for the bowls.
4. To fill the rest of the table, scatter more aqua gem stones and round craft mirrors in varying sizes around the centerpiece and down the length of the table. (craft mirrors available at most craft, floral, and candle supply stores!)
Resources for floating glass bubbles:
Wholesale Flowers
Secret Garden Flowers
