How To Make A Diaper Cake
How To Make A Diaper Cake
Things you need:
-At least a 40 pack of newborn diapers ( I used 36 for a mid sized cake )
-Glue Gun
-1 spool of fabric ribbon 11/2" x 2.7 meters (approx.)
-1 spool 1/4" x 4.57 meters (approx.)
-1 spool 1/4" x 4.57 meters (approx.)
-1 pack of satin mini roses (14 min)
-1 bow for the top
-3 large elastics *optional 1 pack of small clear rubber elastics
Diaper cake instructions:
-Take a diaper, roll it tightly into a tube, wrap large elastic around it.(optional* wrap small rubber elastic around it before putting it in large elastic) Roll another diaper and put it in the same elastic. Repeat until you have a total of 19 rolls for the bottom layer.
-Repeat Step 1 But this layer is smaller with only 11 diapers for the middle layer.
-Repeat Step 1. But the layer is small than steps 1 and 2 with only 6 diapers.
-Take 1 spool of fabric ribbon 11/2 x 2.7 meters and wrap it around the first layer.
-Add 1 inch extra to the length and cut. Continue To do this for the next 2 layers.
-Take the cut ribbon wrap it snuggly around the layer. Take your glue gun and glue the overlapping ribbon on top. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this for the other 2 layers.
-Take the two spools of fabric ribbon (1/4 x 4.57 meters) and cut 10 inch pieces. You will need 14 piece of each ribbon. (28 in total)
-Take one of each color ribbon and put them together and tie an over hand bow.( *experiment with tie bows find a way that works best for you and make them all the same) Repeat this for all 14 bows.
-Take your largest layer and 6 bows arrange them evenly around the layer until you have a rough idea where you want to glue them.
-Take your glue gun and put a small dot on the back of a bow, apply it to the middle of the ribbon and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat this for all 6 bows. Repeat on middle layer with 5 bows and 3 bows on the top layer.
-Pick a mini rose up from the front with a pair of tweezers. Take your glue gun and apply a dot on the back and stick it on the middle of the bow (on top of the knot)
-Repeat this until all 14 bows are done.
-Stick a pre made bow on top of the cake (try not to remove all the paper off the sticker, so it doesn't stick to the diapers too much) * You may also make a bow for the top with matching ribbon.
